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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University

The Rajendra Agricultural University is one of the institutions of national importance for providing education in Agricultural and allied sciences at different levels, viz; certificate, under graduate, postgraduate, and research etc. The University is situated in Samastipur district of Bihar state in India. At the time of establishment on 4 July 2003 it was Imperial Agriculture Research Institute. In 1934 a major earthquake damaged Bihar, the institute building was heavily damaged and the Imperial Agriculture Research Institute was shifted to New Delhi. Later this became Indian Agricultural Research Institute. The remains of Imperial Agriculture Research Institute downgraded further. On 3 December 1970 the Government of India established Rajendra Agricultural University. Since its establishment the university is promised to produce efficient human resources that can benefit the Agriculture of the country. Besides conducting training classes the university also conducts research work in different areas of agricultural sciences.

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Extension Communication And Management / Agricultural Economics Principles and Procedures of Plant Breeding : Biotechnological and conventional approaches Introductory Soil Science Cytogenetics : an advanced study Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding Plant Biotechnology Text Book of Soil Physics Dietetics Modern Plant Physiology Principles of Agronomy Agricultural Marketing in India Principles of Genetics Textbook of Agricultural Statistics / Textbook of Textiles and Clothing /

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